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HomeEventsLWVUS National Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary - 5 PM MT

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LWVUS National Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary - 5 PM MT

About this event

U.S. Supreme Court building exterior

All League members are invited to this LWVUS National Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary meeting online.

At the 2024 LWVUS National Convention, delegates voted to proceed with a study to develop a position on the federal judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. The study's purpose includes addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics.

The LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study Committee has been hard at work preparing materials for League members to consider as we move toward consensus meetings on the federal judiciary.

Hear from leading experts - Alicia Bannon from the Brennan Center, Thomas Berry of the CATO Institute, and Erin Martin of NGV LLC - and use this opportunity to pose questions and get information about the federal judiciary.

Registration is required.

This meeting will use Microsoft Teams, so please download Microsoft Teams on your device beforehand.
Then, to join a town hall, open the invitation you were emailed and select "join event."

Members, need support registering? Email lwvadc.defending.democracy at sign gmail dot com with DOBBS on the subject line, your name, your email, and your League name for assistance.

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM


Online meeting for League members

Event Contact(s)

Barbara Dungey



Registration Info

Registration is required